Learn from Erika

What would you like to explore?

From online courses, to live workshops, to personal sessions…Erika’s mission offers support in several topic areas.

Manifesting and nurturing sacred partnerships, including romantic or others.  Understanding and alchemizing polarities of Divine Masculine & Feminine gifts to enhance one’s fullest expression in human form.

Guidance and mentorship for those on an ascension journey, assisting the collective shift into 5th dimensional and New Earth consciousness.  How to navigate through the shifting 3rd dimensional world through the lens of Divine source.  

Explore and transmute the shadow and inner child influences on your life and relationships, to break through old restrictive conditioned patterns of thinking, feeling and being.  Usher in a new level of self-love and abundance by integrating these innate aspects of self.  

Helping parents and caregivers to understand and assist the newer waves of children incarnating to create fulfilling, loving and supportive environments.

Resources to awaken, support and nurture the further development of innate and ascended gifts, to assist in one’s soul growth journey, including channeling, and various divination tools.

Dive deeper into the powerful realms of energy healing, from quantum healing sessions to learning how to use consciousness to reverse age by rewiring one’s aging blueprint.  Tap into your body’s innate wisdom to create a powerful ally on your healing journey.

Hear from Erika’s clients…